* Do you need content for your corporate blog but don't have time to write it?
* Do you want to enhance your reputation as an expert in your field?
* Do you have an idea for a non-fiction book but find yourself "blocked" when you sit down to write it?
You need a ghostwriter!
Whether you have a detailed outline or the faintest hint of an idea, I will work with you to create an article or book that will impress your client base, drive traffic to your website or simply fulfill your dream of seeing your name in print.
I've worked with top names in many different fields, including health and fitness, business, paintball and more ... but I'll write any non-fiction topic you request.
Please email me at DawnAllcot at gmail dot com for rates.
A professional freelance and staff writer since 1992, I have written thousands of articles for magazines and Web sites. I write in a broad range of niche markets. My interests vary widely, so I'm open to learning more about almost any topic. Ask me... I just may be interested in writing about it!